sábado, mayo 18, 2024
Distinguished news

I am the head of this government: Mayoress Montserrat Caballero / @Montserrat4T @gobtijuanamx >>>

#Tijuana, #B.C.- «The head of this government is me, as long as the head is not affected, everything is fine,» said Mayoress Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, in view of the resignation of the Secretary of Government, announced on Wednesday afternoon.

When asked about the candidates to fill the position left by the current secretary, Jesús García Castro, the mayor assured that there are always candidates, so she will analyze the positions of those who raise their hands.

After describing García Castro as an extraordinary man, with a left hand, accomplished, organized and honest, the mayor informed that the election of the new secretary will be decided for next week, because it cannot be like this for a long time.

Due to his professionalism, the current XXlV City Hall official will stay for the rest of the week for administrative procedures, but his retirement is due to a personal situation, said the mayor.

The mayoress pointed out that the candidates could be from the cabinet or anyone who wants to participate. We will see who signs up, she emphasized.

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